What Stiffness Is Saying To You About You 👀
Stiffness—it is limitation, stuckness, fear. It is about being indecisive, controlling, a perfectionist.
A “my way or the highway” attitude. Acting self-righteous, giving off a superior attitude, believing that you are all-knowing. Inability to handle challenges or mistakes constructively and positively.
Many problems in your body and in your life occur when you are feeling stuck, inflexible, and attached to one point of view.
This often takes place when the same thoughts or scenarios play themselves over and over in your mind.
When you feel stuck, everything in your life and body becomes stiff.
Your creativity gets blocked.
You start to experience hardship and struggle, and take on the attitude that life is hard, which in turn creates hardness in your body, mind, and emotions.
Long-term stuckness or stiffness can lead to varicose veins, sciatica, repeated strain injury, rheumatoid arthritis, paralysis, obesity, mouth ulcers, kidney problems, and a host of other diseases.
Stiffness also shows inability to give Inflexible in opinions & attitudes and rigid feelings in whichever area it is in.
Can be connected to Slipped Disc—that shows difficulty in making decisions.
You can have feeling of emotionally being unsupported. It is lack of trust; emotional blockages holding you back. Neglecting your needs. Too much pressure, creating stiffness and immobility in your body.
The remedy is simple, change your feelings and emotions of certain things in your life. Certainly it is easier said than done but life is about constant change and development,
Release unwanted emotions. Try and see what happens,
I invite you to reach out for help, I will be happy to assist you in your journey.
I. Segal The Secret Language Of Your Body
Pic Fotocitizen Pixabay