What Natalie says about work with me

** I was fortunate to have recently participated in Karina’s 6 month program.
I found Karina to be very affirming, diligent, reliable and sensitive.  She is very knowledgeable and organised in the way she shares that knowledge.  She had a generous and adaptable approach to her facilitation of my quest to have a healthier relationship to food and wish to improve my overall health.
My initial goal of weight loss changed as the time went on.  I did lose weight and developed other healthier habits but after a while this was not my main priority, rather a fuller, richer, more balanced well rounded life.
I came out of the six months with a increased awareness of what i eat, when and how I eat and my range of preferred foods has broadened to include more raw foods, nuts, fruit and vegetables, this is not something  i  feel compelled to do or push myself to do, it seems to be a natural result of the program.
Early on in the program i felt a little impatient to know exactly  what the six months ‘agenda’* would be, however as time went on I learned to trust that Karina does individualise her program to suit and I believe she works ‘intuitively’with individuals rather than from a rigid one size fits all plan.
I feel that my life is more enriched from all that Karina shared with me and introduced me to, and I enjoyed her company along the way. *** 
Natalie S. |New Zealand|

*I do work according to a plan but at the end of the day everyone is different, therefore plans need to be tweaked to unique, individual needs 😊.

Photo by simone91sl Pixabay